Originality- Many of Disney peppy, happy movies were based loosely of of someone else sad, tragic
stories. But Disney normally found a way to make the ending happy and chipper and more memorable. Does the movie have its own story, or is it something that is told time and time again? Is it a movie, that could have been summed up in 5 minutes if someone did something differently at the start? But mostly, is the ending completely unrealistic?
Moral- Does the main character (or anyone) learn a lesson? Does the audience learn a lesson? You can tell a story on and on, forever, and still never know the lesson. I really hate it when Disney makes a movie that could potentially be a new classic, but then give it no real purpose. Does that tick you guys off? For example, Cars 2. Cars, was memorable to me, but its sequel was... Pointless. It was mostly to make the characters reappear since fans wanted more. They got more, but what was the point. Really, i watched it 8 times, and i don't know the point. Was it, don't be a jerk to your friends? Or believe your Friends when they are crazy? Please someone comment to tell me this part. Seriously. To get a 10 here, the movie needs to have a real lesson. And it needs to be apply itself to someones every day life.
Music (with or without lyrics)- This is an easy thing to ace. My real question is are the song memorable. As in, will you remember the song, a week after you see the movie? Does the song have an actual meaning? Is it just repetition of the same word in some annoying, continuous, pointless manner? (Justin Bebier, I'm looking at you) But mostly, can the song be applied in reality? Does it have an abstract meaning that can inspire.
Bad Guy- What is a good Bad guy. Not some idiot who could easily achieve their goal another simpler way. So, this one is easy. Don't be an idiot.(Disney has so many stupid bad guys, I don't know where to start)
So far, Hans and Maleficent are pretty cool for what they did. Maleficent for being awesome. Hans for being so many first for Disney. Normally Disney tells you at the start "hate this guy, because he does this, but he thinks its good" But not Hans. They might have hinted Weaslton to be the bad guy, but Hans was off the radar till half way to the movie. I give 3 thumbs up. (Toe thumb)
No Spoilers**
Overall- Was it a good movie. I will take this rating, on the account of strangers in the theater.
I will up date this movie list every year, so please, make comments of what movies, you think should be number one.
5. Toy Story 3
- Originality, -8
- It is fairly original...on its own. But if you take into account the other toy story movies it makes you question, what is the perfect age for kids to play with toys. Not as toddlers. Or teens. But only as grown ups. But the point is, Disney stuck to its guns and made this movie, parallel its 1st Toy story.
- Moral, -9
- If you believe in something a lot, don't listen to what anyone else says against it. I personal have never seen Disney use this moral, this way. Kids (and some parents) need to learn that lesson. Great way to end the story.
- Music (with or without lyrics), -4
- The music layout was similar to Toy story 1, so it must have been to get us remembering where it all began. So sweet. But the music was very uneventful till the ending.
- Bad Guy,-6
- I believe he had a good reason. But we was in post traumatic denial... as a toy. Humans have bad experiences that scar them for life, and Disney did the same to a toy. You need to watch to movie to understand it better.
- Overall- 8 (this is mostly because the ending is awesome and a must see)
Average - 7
4. Frozen
- Originality, - 7
- Could anyone, possible find something else like this? I did. Several books. But Disney did something big here. They did things they don't normally do, in a style they don't normally follow. They took a risk here, and I know it will affect movies in the future.
- Moral, - 8.5
- Their are a lot of morals in this story, but the one that really got me was sisters over mister. You all need to see the last 20 mins of the movie, to see why this part gets such a high rating.
- Music (with or without lyrics), - 6.5
- Do you wanna build a snowman?- I can't really see the hype about this song. Or maybe its the music video, i don't know, but it fits almost non of my requirements. So that dropped this grade down.
- Let it go- The song was unbelievably inspirational. Disney should have given this song to one of their Next Big Things, because it tells an amazing message. I don't care what you say, I'm doing this anyways.
- For the rest of the movie, the music was very eventful.
- Bad Guy,- 7(I never say why the bad guy is boss)
- Overall- Over all the movie was great for a family to watch. But my reviewers gave it a 9
3. The Lion King
- Originality, - 8
- This loose attempt at Hamlet, made me realize, Shakespeare could have learned something here. This musical gained a lot of people to start following Disney, with the evil uncle, lost king, but mostly, the comedic efforts of Puma!
- Moral, -9
- The squeal was pretty good, but this story was true and pure to its moral. You need to watch the movie, (or read Hamlet) to understand it well.
- Music (with or without lyrics), -4
- Now the songs here were pretty good, and this part deserves a better score. But, they lacked one major thing... You couldn't relate to half the sound track. The lyrics were a bit direct. As a reviewer, I say 6, but as a song writer, i say 2, so I went in the middle.
- Bad Guy,- 9 (one of Disneys bad guys that actually succeed)
- Scar, succeeded his plan for take over. That almost never happens in Disney films. So Scar, is official the 2nd Disney bad guy (after Malecitet) to be ... Smart. And His plan would have worked, if He killed off the hyenas with the lioness, so the Pride lands wouldn't run out of food.
- Overall-9
2. Wreck It Ralph
Why: I found this movie WAY more deep then it actually is. - Originality, - 8.5
- Disney doing a cross over rarely happens, but here. His world is the tip of original for the season.
- Moral, - 8 (more Americans **actresses** need to know that lesson)
- I will do this in the least spoiler way I know how... Be yourself. Normally Disney says this, with some sort of a ... Romance involved, but none here!! This is a a spectacular film for someone who lost their way and needs a pick me up.
- Music (with or without lyrics), -8.5
- A very rarity. No character sang the whole time!! Unbelievable! They were serious and fun the who time, but the background music was simply perfect for the situation. At all times. For being a first.
- Bad Guy,- 6.5
- I can't reveal this, without spoiling the movie, just word of advise, if Vanelope doesn't exist, this movie is pointless, and the bad guy wins. Who wants to see a little girl be the Hero!
- Overall- 8.5
1. Maleficent
Why:From the moment the movie started, it made it clear, Maleficent would still be the bad guy. But as the story progresses, you see how it is on the other foot. You see Maleficent is some sort of hero, or some sort of jerk.Spoilers. I can't say how good this movie is without spoilers. This movie is so delicate, you just have to watch it an tell me it doesn't deserve this rating. No Spoilers.
- Originality, -9
- Moral, -9
- Music (with or without lyrics), -7
- Bad Guy,- 9
- Overall-9
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